Holy Week
Holy Week Kits
Pick up a Holy Week Kit from the front doors of Good Shepherd beginning on March 21st! These kits are full of items that will help disciples of all ages engage more deeply in the rhythm of Holy Week.
Palm Sunday: March 28
Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday, with the story of Jesus’ triumphal entry into the city of Jerusalem. At Good Shepherd, we’ll mark the occasion with two different worship services and our Holy Week Fair.
Palm Sunday worship
Our digital worship will premiere on our Facebook page at 9am. This Palm/Passion service will emphasis both the joy of Jesus’ festal procession and the solemnity of the events that end the week.
Our in-person worship will begin at 10:15am in our church parking lot, broadcast over our AM Transmitter. This service will channel the festival feel of the Jerusalem streets, and lead directly into our Holy Week Fair.
Holy Week Fair
This intergenerational event will feature stations inspired by Holy Week: Serve, Celebrate, and Pray. There will be crafts, a service project of food-packaging for Cathedral in the Night, pony rides…and more!
Click on this sign-up sheet to learn more and register!
The Great Three Days
The culmination of the church year happens during this week in the great Three Days. These days trace Jesus’ passion, death, burial, and resurrection. They begin on Thursday at sundown, and conclude on Sunday evening. Though it unfolds over an entire week, this worship is considered to be one extended liturgy.
Maundy Thursday: April 1
Join us in our parking lot at 5:30pm as we gather around fire pits to share the story of Jesus’ last night with his disciples. We invite you to bring your own meal, and share communion with us as night falls.
At 7pm, we will livestream our digital service in our sanctuary on our Facebook page. It will be posted on our Youtube channel by 9pm. Together we remember the giving of the Great Commandment and Jesus’ act of footwashing. We move from the upper room to the garden of Gethsemane with the chanting of Psalm 22 and the stripping of the altar.
Good Friday: April 2
At 7pm, we will livestream our service on our Facebook page at 7pm, and it will be posted on our Youtube channel by 9pm. We trace the story of the Passion in a meditative service of lengthening darkness called Tenebrae.
Holy Saturday: April 3
Our digital service will premiere on our Facebook page at 7pm. This service will go a little longer than usual (it’s a Vigil, after all!), so we’re also posting it to our Youtube channel so that you can view it earlier if you wish. This service traces the arc of salvation from the times of our earliest stories through to the breaking open of the tomb on Easter morning.
Easter: 4/4
We rejoice, for Christ is raised! Join us at one of our four worship services:
- Indoor service at 7:45am (masks required; no singing)
- Digital service at 9am on our Facebook page
- Parking lot service at 9am broadcast over our radio transmitter
- **Easter Egg Hunt: immediately following parking lot worship at about 10:15**
- Outdoor worship at 10:45am (bring your masks and your own chairs!)
We hope to welcome you to our Holy Week worship. However you observe this sacred time, may your journey alongside Christ to the cross and the empty tomb be blessed!