Our Mission

At Good Shepherd, our mission statement is “Growing, nurturing, making disciples in Christ.”  We envision a world where the hungry are fed, where the homeless are sheltered, where poverty and prejudice have become an element of the past.  We envision faith in place of doubt, friendship in place of loneliness, and peace where there is chaos.  We seek to live out our identity as followers of Christ in the world by doing God’s work with our hands throughout the week.  At work, at home, at school, wherever we find ourselves; we carry the promise of God’s love made real in Jesus Christ with us.  Transformed by that love, we are empowered to make a difference in the world around us.


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Who is welcome here at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church?

Everyone, everyone, everyone is welcome at
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church!

If you are straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual or questioning,
If you are male, female, or non-binary,
If you are cis or transgender,
If you are single, married, partnered, widowed,
divorced, or separated,
If you are Asian, Latinx, Black, Indigenous, White, or multi-racial,
If you are three days old, 30 years old, or 103 years old,
If you are a lifelong Lutheran or have any other answer when filling in the pesky blank for religious affiliation: ____________,
If you are Democrat, Independent, Republican, Socialist,
or not registered to vote,
If you have more than enough or struggle to make ends meet,
If you are in preschool, graduate school, or done with all that,
If you have, or had, regrets, addictions, or a criminal record,
If you own a home, rent, live with your parents,
or are experiencing homelessness;
and regardless of your citizenship status,
If you are fully-abled, differently-abled, or disabled,
If you are a fan of the hometown teams, or even a Yankees fan,
If you find yourself on this list and even if you don’t,
YOU are welcome here.

Come and see!

Our welcome statement was last revised in April 2021. We review the statement annually, doing our best to keep our terminology up to date.
For definitions and more information, go to: https://www.reconcilingworks.org/resources/sogi/lgbtq/


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A rich history

Good Shepherd has a rich history of ministry in Westborough that spans 60 years. A lot has changed in the decades since we were founded, but our commitment to ministry in our community has not. Click below to read our full story.


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